Parade applications are now being accepted for the Prague Kolache Festival.

All those wishing to participate are asked to have a parade application completed and returned by the deadline on the application. This is the deadline for judged entries. Those not making the deadline will not be judged. You may download the parade application and rules below.

The parade starts at 11:00 am at the south end of Jim Thorpe Blvd., goes to the stoplight and turns west on Main Street, passing in front of the grandstand and continuing past the park. The parade will not be canceled even if it rains. Entries must be at the parade line-up site by 9:00 am., but please allow 30 minutes to one hour for traffic. The parade line-up starts at 7th Street, going back to 1st Street, which is the check-in is located. The parade route is a little over one mile in length.

If you have any questions, please call the festival office at 405-567-4866.


All businesses, organizations and clubs are encouraged to participate.

Judged entries include floats, drill teams, animal/equestrian, etc.

Floats are judged on theme portrayal, for originality, construction and design, and eye appeal.

Float divisions include commercial (business), 1st – 3rd place plaques awarded; two separate categories for youth and adult, 1st – 5th place ($250, $200, $150, $100, $50); and miscellaneous, open class not using theme (no prizes). A sweepstakes trophy will be presented to the float selected Best of Show.

Drill Teams include amateur class (youth teams – high school age or below), and professional class (adults college age or above), 1st – 3rd place in both divisions ($100, $75, $50).

Equestrian category includes round-up clubs, riding clubs, horse-drawn wagons and carriages, 1st – 3rd place ($150, $100, $75). Proof of a current negative Coggins test is required for all horses prior to entrance to parade line-up.

Animal miscellaneous (other than horses), 1st – 3rd place ($100, $75, $50)

Crowd Pleaser Award: All parade entries, even if they have won in another category, are eligible for this $100 award. Use of the festival theme is not necessary. This category will be judged from the Grand Stand.

The parade line-up is on south Highway 99 (Jim Thorpe Blvd.) between 1st and 7th Streets. The check-in location is on Highway 99 just north of 1st Street.

Parade entries are asked to briefly stop at the main grandstand at the city park where they may perform. Suggested distance between entries is at least three car lengths. No entry may throw candy, gum, toys, pamphlets or election campaign materials from any vehicle. These items may be handed out by people walking along the parade route.

The parade starts promptly at 11:00 a.m. and is not cancelled in the event of rain. Entries should be at the parade line-up site at 9:30 a.m. Parade entries are judged starting at 10:00 a.m.

Please note those winning cash prizes will receive their check by mail. Please make sure you have a your mailing address on your entry form.